Gastronomy and hotel industry

Hygiene concepts in the field of gastronomy and hotel business

With regard to hygiene in the food service and hotel industry, there are two overarching issues to consider:

  • How to make room hygiene comfortable and simple?
  • How can you communicate hygiene to the guest as a sustainable positive experience?

This is where the bpc hygiene competence center comes in with an innovative idea: Room care products as well as - concepts align bpc hygiene as it were antimicrobially, cleaning as well as hypoallergenic and follows at the same time lasting environmental aspects. The comfort feeling of the guests is promoted by a concentration of the hygiene measures on the substantial and by the haptic as well as smell quality of the used products. The sustainable, long-lasting effect of the products is an important basis for this.

Hotel and catering industry, bpc Private Label offers hair and skin care products for the care of guests under its own brand.
All this on a hypoallergenic and green - i.e. environmentally friendly - basis.

Registration for the bpc Academy (continuing education and knowledge transfer hygiene):

Webinars from the bpc Academy on the subject of hygiene: