Sensory tests

Sensory tests

Sensory tests are used to test the efficacy of the products developed by bpc specialities. Alpha and beta tests are carried out to determine efficacy accurately and transparently.

Sensory evaluation in the half-side test

In the classic half-sided test, numerous parameters are sensory tapped by trained specialists depending on the task according to standardized methods and validated with the previously described measurement methods. The evaluation takes place according to a trained SEI index (Sensory Evaluation Index).

All skin types (type 1 - 4 with optional provenance) as well as hair types of Central European, Asian, Indian Caucasian as well as South American provenance are available as matrix.

Section division in a half-side test

Section division in a half-side test

Important parameters in sensory tests

Examples of the parameters to be interrogated in the sensory tests are as follows:

  • Consistency
  • Handle
  • Distributability
  • Foam bounce
  • Foam handle
  • Foam quantity
  • Rinseability
  • Yield
  • Finger grip when rinsing
  • Detangling wet hair
  • Wet hair combability
  • Finger grip of the wet hair
  • Finger grip of the dry hair
  • Anti-frizz effect
  • Smoothing effect
  • Bounce
  • Volume induction
  • Gloss
  • Dry hair combability
  • Antistatic
  • Weighting
  • Paint removal
  • Build-Up Effect
  • Combing out

Sensory assessment through an alpha test

The alpha test is a subjective test of formulations on selected subjects, conducted under closed test conditions by third parties and not by the developers themselves. The sensory test proceeds under sensitive and constant observation by experts to identify any abnormalities. The evaluation of two samples on a hair matrix in vivo is performed as a standard half-side test. The corresponding parameters are compared by specially trained operators. The half-side test, as the optimal method of comparison between two formulations, is performed discretely under standard conditions in specially designed test salon rooms. The parameters in the half-side test vary for the different product groups shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, hair gel, hair foam, colorants and other products. The test subjects are recruited according to the product requirements. The determined parameters are prepared in an appealing and transparent way as a report and animated presentation (including video material). Furthermore, the sensory recorded parameters are related to in vivo measurement methods. A check of these measurement results for coherence with respect to the sensory recorded results substantiates a salon test.

Alpha Test Salon Workstation

Alpha Test Salon Workstation

Sensory evaluation through a beta test

The beta test is a subjective test of formulations on test persons corresponding to the situation of an everyday hairdressing business day. Here, the formulation is performed as a whole-head application corresponding to an everyday routine. It is thus a first, controlled release of formulations under open test conditions. The parameters selected by a previously compiled portfolio are documented and put in relation to a coupled alpha test as precursor. Here facts of the everyday life crystallize regarding a market acceptance, which emerge from an alpha test only as prognoses. Beta tests thus provide information from real customer business in the shortest possible time. Our pool of test salons includes more than 1700 partners in the hairdressing and cosmetics sector.

Salon beta test

Salon beta test