bpc specialties informs about current state of research

  70 years of SEPAWA CONGRESS - a weighty anniversary....

H.F. Mark Sustainability Award 2023 goes to bpc specialties

On 12.10.2023, the H.F. Mark Sustainability Prize 2023 was ...

REACT recycling project successful

bpc devices: EU-funded research project on efficient...

Mona Neubaur (NRW Minister of Economic Affairs) honors bpc specialties as part of sustainable innovation!

Mona Neubaur (Minister of Economic Affairs NRW) honors the bpc in...

BOWATECT - the specialist for mold control in rooms ...

The focus of BOWATECT is on professional mold control...

BOWATECT in Neuschwanstein ...

In addition to ASPEREX, the highly efficient anti-mold concept...

bpc devices - Funding project for research project from the EU starts

Together with the Fraunhofer Institute FIT and the Fraunhofer Institute...

ASPEREX in the food fish processing...

After establishing ASPEREX as an anti-mold system treatment...

ASPEREX anti-mold treatment - the specialist against Aspergillus niger

ASPEREX Anti-Mildew eliminates mold where conventional...